(«Фарсалия, или О гражданской войне». Книга IX )
o sacer et magnus uatum labor! omnia fato
inuidia sacrae, Caesar, ne tangere famae;
nam, siquid Latiis fas est promittere Musis,
quantum Zmyrnaei durabunt uatis honores,
uenturi me teque legent; Pharsalia nostra
uiuet, et a nullo tenebris damnabimur aeuo.
O sacred task of poets, toil supreme,
Which rescuing all things from allotted fate
Dost give eternity to mortal men!
Grudge not the glory, Caesar, of such fame.
For if the Latian Muse may promise aught,
Long as the heroes of the Trojan time
Shall live upon the page of Smyrna's bard,
So long shall future races read of thee
In this my poem; and Pharsalia's song
Live unforgotten in the age to come.
ЛУКАН Марк Анней (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus), (39-65), римский поэт.